
Our Piano Studio

Yamaha Acoustic, Disklavier, Silent & TransAcoustic Pianos
It's now more than a century since our founder, Torakusu Yamaha, designed and built his first piano in Japan. Today, Yamaha pianos are among the world's most played and have earned a reputation for their excellent design, build quality and long-lasting performance - a Yamaha piano can last a lifetime.
They have acoustic pianos to suit all players, whether you're shopping for a premium acoustic grand piano, such as the Yamaha CX Series models or the Bösendorfer Special Edition models or quality upright pianos for a beginner Yamaha b Series.
For pianos which offer even more, try their self-playing Yamaha Disklavier piano or a hybrid piano from our Silent and TransAcoustic ranges - especially if you live in an apartment or need to be able to practice any time of day or night, the Yamaha Silent pianos and groundbreaking Yamaha TransAcoustic pianos might be just what you're after.
At sLs Japan and Noah Studio we use Yamaha CX Series models and Y series models
Let’s Play Piano Together
〒141-0031 東京都品川区西五反田4-32-14
〒154-0011 東京都世田谷区上馬4-2-7[受付1F]
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂3-13-11赤坂ノアビル[受付2F]
Eメール: contact@slsjapan.com
電話番号: 050-5539-3456
Line ID @slsjapan