When you aim to improve your piano, you may be worried about how much you should practice in a day and how you should practice it.
In this article, we will introduce the practice method recommended by Kawai Piano Artist AyseDeniz , who collaborates with sLs Japan, which develops piano classes in Japanese and English in Tokyo and Yokohama . .. -From Ayse Deniz-
Everybody has their own way of practicing technique - you can play etudes targeted towards a specific aim (i.e. octaves, left hand agility, staccato) or simply pick the difficult passages of the piece you are working on and build your own exercises from those notes. Check out my rhythmic exercises in my Instagram highlights called: Practice Tips for a few examples. https://www.instagram.com/adpianist/ https://www.instagram.com/borderlesspiano/ For etudes you can check out:
• Beginner / intermediate: Hanon, Czerny
• Intermediate: Moszkowski, some of the Chopin Etudes.
• Advanced: Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky, Brahms,
From https://www.adpianist.com/tips-for-music-students

Borderless - sLs Japan Tokyo & Yokohama Piano School offers lessons for students of all ages, from children to adults.
Even beginners are fine. Lessons for students aiming to take the music college entrance exam and advanced students are also available.
We offer lessons that can be enjoyed and improved steadily according to the age and level of the students.
If you are interested, please take a trial lesson.
sLs Japan Tokyo Piano School --Tokyo Piano School. Piano lessons in Japanese, Spanish, French, Chinese or English from children to adults. #Piano lesson in Tokyo #Piano lesson in Yokohama #Piano lesson in English #slsjapan #borderlesspiano #Piano private lesson #Piano online lesson #aysedeniz #pianolessons #tokyopianoschool #tokyopianolessons #Beginner piano #yokohamapianolessons #Piano lesson for children and adults
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